的 威斯康辛州 业务AnswerLine helps established, new and aspiring business owners at no cost! AnswerLine staff draw from extensive curated resources to provide timely answers to your business questions.
FEIN是美国国税局分配给商业实体的九位数. 的 IRS uses this number to identify taxpayers who are required to file various business tax returns.
A business is not required to have a FEIN if it has no employees and is organized as a sole proprietorship or Limited Liability Company with one member. 可以使用车主的社会安全号码. 然而, getting a FEIN 在se cases may be wise because chances are a business may be asked for its FEIN 在 course of doing business and it prevents the owner’s social security number from being used as the company’s identification number. 如果企业变更为合伙或公司, 或者它是否雇佣员工, 那么就需要一个FEIN.
威斯康辛州 employer identification number (EIN) is required for employers who pay wages subject to withholding of 威斯康辛州 income tax or other persons with a withholding requirement. 在网上申请这个号码 营业税登记(BTR101)表格 威斯康辛州税务局电话:608-266-2776或 . (此表格与取得卖方许可证的表格相同.)
以公司形式经营的业务, 非营利性公司, 合作社, 有限合伙, 有限责任公司, 有限责任合伙, 普通法信托, Foreign (out-of-state) entities of the same types licensed to transact business in 威斯康辛州, 退伍军人和某些宗教组织 必须在威斯康辛州金融机构局注册吗. (608) 261-9555.
Your business name can be a very important marketing consideration; therefore, 你可能想在你的县契约登记处注册它. 这种登记并不给予超出普通法的姓名保护. 它确实使避免重复变得更容易.
Limited Liability Company (LLC) is the most used business entity in 威斯康辛州. 它可以由一个或多个成员组成. 有限责任公司将个人和企业资产分开. 业主必须提交 Articles of Organization and register the business with the 威斯康辛州金融机构局, 608/261-9555, http://www.wdfi.org/.
- 顾名思义, 有限责任公司, an owner’s personal liability is limited (unless there are personal guarantees).
- 就税收而言,利润和亏损会转嫁给业主.
- 将有限责任公司转换为股份有限公司很容易.
- It is more expensive to organize compared to a sole proprietorship, but less than a corporation.
- 所有权不可转让,除非在经营协议中注明.
独资企业由一人拥有和经营. 获得所需的执照和许可就可以建立业务. 如果企业名称与个人名称不同, 它被称为DBA或“经商a”. 例如:如果John Doe拥有一家名为EAT HERE的公司, 该业务在法律上被认定为John Doe DBA EAT HERE. 威斯康辛州法规不要求独资企业注册. 你可以自愿向县契约登记局和 威斯康辛州金融机构局 608/261 - 9555 http://www.wdfi.org/. 这很容易做到,并为您的业务建立信誉.
- A sole proprietorship is the easiest entity to form and has low start-up costs.
- 政府报告的要求很少.
- 你有做生意的自由,不用繁复的手续.
- 利润和亏损在业主的个人所得税申报表上申报.
- 的 owner has unlimited personal liability for business obligations and liabilities. 但请记住, 如果你签了个人保证书, 不管你的法律结构如何, 你对所有债务负全部责任.
- 当所有者死亡或停止经营时,企业就结束了.
每个从事零售销售的组织都需要一个销售者许可证, 租赁, 或在威斯康辛州租赁有形个人财产或应税全球赌博十大网站, 除非所有的销售都免税. 网上申请卖方许可证号码 营业税登记(BTR101)表格 可向威斯康星州税务局查询,电话:608-266-2776, . This is the same form used to get your 威斯康辛州 Employer’s Identification Number (EIN). 向威斯康辛州以外的客户销售可能需要纳税. This is an issue especially, though not exclusively, for mail order and/or internet based businesses. 向 威斯康星州税务局.
的 安全与专业全球赌博十大网站部 provides information on what licenses are needed for specific industries and how to apply for those licenses.
Almost all businesses selling retail products are required to collect sales tax. 一些提供全球赌博十大网站的企业也收取销售税. 威斯康辛州’s sales tax law is that all 全球赌博十大网站s are exempt unless specifically listed. 咨询税务部门.266.2776(麦迪逊)或访问 他们的网站.
If you are looking for help on how to write a business plan and other entrepreneurial basics, this 创业培训计划 可能对你很好. 的 course provides the tools needed for business idea testing and business model improvement. 通过指令, 演讲嘉宾及辅导, the course serves those who are considering starting a business who want to get a handle on all the details and develop a business plan.
如果你想和顾问谈谈你的业务, 请随时全球网赌十大网站的 13个小企业发展中心 整个州. This group provides no-cost assistance to help existing businesses grow and to help new firms get started. You can set up an appointment to meet with a consultant either in person or on the phone.
重要的不是谁发明了它,而是谁得到了 U.S. 专利 & 商标局 首先这很重要. 这个网站提供可搜索的专利索引, 法律材料, 专利资源, 商标及版权事宜, 技术信息和更多.
全球赌博十大网站顾问公司 是否有国际贸易咨询证书.
出口信息 ——帮助小企业解决出口问题, 本网站由联邦政府提供.
Businesses that involve the sale of food or lodging or beauty and health 全球赌博十大网站s will generally have health inspection requirements. 的se may be determined by consulting the 威斯康辛州 Department of Health 全球赌博十大网站 – 公共卫生司 以及当地的卫生部门.
小企业发展中心 National Information Clearinghouse (SBDCNET) serves as a resource dedicated to meeting the information needs of SBDC counselors and clients. 全球赌博十大网站包括表单数据库, 文档, brochures and promotional materials; secondary 市场研究 data; demographic information location; site location analysis; business plans and financial ratio information; basic patent and trademark searches; pertinent business articles, 电子商务, 市场研究, 农村业务和现场培训.
白水大学科技园和创新中心 helps clients make informed decisions by providing research on market opportunities, 客户与竞争. 他们还提供孵化和指导全球赌博十大网站. 打电话给262-472-5290.
社会保障局 – Business owners generally have to file estimated federal income taxes on a quarterly basis. 当时, their Social Security obligations will also be computed by filling out the quarterly estimated tax form. 2006年的最高所得税为94,200美元. 个体户税率为15%.3%. 雇主和雇员各付7英镑.65%用于社会保障/医疗保险. 查询详情,请致电800.772.1213或访问他们的网站.
托马斯登记 是全球最大的在线工业采购源吗. 寻找产品, 全球赌博十大网站, 你需要的陪伴很简单, since the entire database of the acclaimed 托马斯登记 or American Manufacturers is available for your use online. 你可以搜索155,000家公司在数据库中分类在55个以上,000个产品和全球赌博十大网站标题. +, 2人以上,300个在线供应商目录给你40个,000页详细的购买和指定信息. 必须填写登记表(免费)才能搜索.
劳动力发展部 offers many insights for employers about taxes and wages and other workforce issues
Where else can I learn more about starting, managing and growing my business?
- If you’re starting a small business, looking for financing or other help, the U.S. 小企业管理局(小企业管理局) 包含了丰富的企业资源.
- 这个faq页面来自 WI部门. 金融机构 为在威斯康星州注册企业提供了很好的见解.
- 从威斯康星州开始 它是连接威斯康星州企业家和资源的首要网络吗, events and experts tailored to their specific needs and based 在ir communities.
- 威斯康辛州.政府 provides customized information to help you start and operate a 威斯康辛州-based business. It covers licensing, permitting and regulatory requirements for the State of 威斯康辛州.
- 的 做生意 页面 WEDC的网站 对在威斯康辛州创业的信息特别有帮助.
- 美国小企业发展中心 website offers a 资源 page with many sponsored business and education programs.